LSI Industries Inc. Reports Strong Fiscal 2023 Performance with Record Sales and Profits

LSI Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: LYTS, “LSI” or the “Company”) a leading U.S. based manufacturer of commercial lighting and display solutions, today reported financial results for its fiscal 2023 fourth quarter and full year ended June 30, 2023.


  • Net Sales $123.6 million; Lighting sales +5% y/y
  • Net Income +63% y/y to $8.4 million, $0.28 per diluted share
  • Adjusted Net Income +46% y/y of $8.8 million, $0.30 per diluted share
  • EBITDA of $12.6million; Adjusted EBITDA $14.1 million or 11.4%/sales
  • Free Cash Flow +94% y/y to $15.6 million
  • Ratio of net debt to TTM Adjusted EBITDA of 0.7x as of June 30, 2023


  • Net Sales +9% y/y to $497.0 million
  • Net Income +71% y/y to $25.8 million, $0.88 per diluted share
  • Adjusted Net Income +61%% y/y to $29.0 million, $0.99 per diluted share
  • EBITDA of $46.7 million; Adjusted EBITDA +47% y/y to $51.6 million or 10.4%/sales
  • Free Cash Flow of $46.4 million
  • Reduced net debt more than 50% to $33.4 million

During the fiscal fourth quarter, LSI benefitted from a combination of favorable demand conditions across its vertical markets, accelerated adoption of recently introduced products and services, sustained price discipline, a higher-value sales mix, and strong operational execution, all contributing to significant year-over-year growth in margin rate realization, Adjusted EBITDA, free cash flow, and profitability.

In the fiscal fourth quarter, LSI reported net income of $8.4 million, or $0.28 per diluted share, on net sales of $123.6 million, while adjusted net income was $8.8 million, or $0.30 per diluted share. The Company generated Adjusted EBITDA of $14.1 million in the fourth quarter, an increase of 33% versus the prior year period, with Adjusted EBITDA margin increasing more than 300 basis points to 11.4%.

Free cash flow increased to $15.6 million in the fiscal fourth quarter, with free cash flow conversion exceeding 100% in the period. Year-over-year growth in free cash flow was driven by improved profitability and working capital efficiency.

For the twelve months ended June 30, 2023, LSI reported record sales of $497.0 million, an increase of 9% versus the full year fiscal 2022. Net income was $25.8 million, or $0.88 per diluted share, versus net income of $15.0 million or $0.54 per share in the prior year. The Company reported adjusted net income of $29.0 million, or $0.99 per diluted share in fiscal 2023, versus $18.0 million, or $0.64 per share in fiscal 2022. Adjusted EBITDA was $51.6 million in fiscal 2023, versus $35.1 million in the prior year. A reconciliation of GAAP and non-GAAP financial results is included in this press release.

Free cash flow for the fiscal year was $46.4 million, with the fourth quarter the highest cash generative quarter of the fiscal year. During fiscal 2023, the Company reduced net debt outstanding by $44 million, resulting in a corresponding reduction in its net leverage ratio to 0.7x, or the lowest level achieved since prior to its acquisition of JSI Store Fixtures in May 2021. As of June 30, 2023, LSI had approximately $60 million of cash and availability under its existing credit facility.

The Company declared a regular cash dividend of $0.05 per share payable on September 5, 2023, to shareholders of record on August 28, 2023.


“Our solid fourth quarter performance completes a successful fiscal 2023 for LSI. We demonstrated substantial progress across all key performance indicators, consistent with the strategic priorities detailed in our Fast Forward value creation plan,” stated James A. Clark, President and CEO of LSI. “We achieved record sales of $497 million on more than 9% growth, significantly increased earnings with net income improving 71%, delivered more than $50 million of adjusted EBITDA, expanded EBITDA margin by 270 basis points, generated cash flow of over $46 million, and exited the year having reduced net debt by over 50%.”

“Furthermore, the business is positioned for success moving forward as we strengthened our share position in key vertical markets, launched numerous new products and solutions, utilized service and product availability as a differentiator, and advanced relationships with partners and customers. Our employees executed exceptionally well in a dynamic operating environment, and I am proud of the LSI team for achieving this high level of performance.

“Our supply chain began to normalize early in fiscal 2023 and improved as the year progressed,” continued Clark. “As supply conditions stabilized, we prudently reduced inventories, while continuing to maintain product availability at levels that support our commitment to an exceptional level of service. Improved working capital efficiency resulted in increased free cash flow conversion, and a corresponding reduction in our outstanding debt. We exited the year with a net leverage ratio of 0.7x, representing our lowest leverage profile since before we acquired JSI store fixtures in 2021. We enter fiscal 2024 with increased balance sheet strength to support our capital allocation priorities, which include both organic and inorganic growth opportunities.

“Customer activity levels remained healthy across our primary vertical markets during the fiscal fourth quarter. In the Lighting segment, sales increased 5% versus the prior-year period, and increased 7% sequentially versus the third quarter. Lighting demand was driven by increased order activity in multiple verticals across both indoor and outdoor applications. Lighting adjusted gross margin rate was more than 33% for the quarter, an increase of 220 bps versus the prior year, and operating income improved 31% to $9.3 million. For the full fiscal year 2023, Lighting sales increased 17% versus the prior year, driven by balanced growth across multiple market verticals, product lines, and sales channels.

“Lighting project quotation activity remains at an elevated level exiting the fourth quarter. Our quote-to-order conversion period has lengthened, consistent with the trend evidenced in the fiscal third quarter, as many projects are incurring increasing levels of design changes intended to meet budgetary requirements, financing timelines and other factors. While order timing will vary from quarter to quarter, fourth quarter orders exceeded shipments, resulting in a book-to-bill ratio above 1.0.

“As previously disclosed in April 2023, LSI announced a multi-million lighting order for installation in a new state-of-the-art EV Battery manufacturing plant. Shipment activity began in July and continues into the fiscal second quarter. There have been additional change orders increasing the size of the total project, and Phase II of the manufacturing complex is currently in the quotation stage. We believe LSI is in a strong position to win the Phase II order, which would be larger than the number of fixtures required for the initial site. Shipment activity would begin late in the fiscal second quarter 2024 and continue throughout the fiscal third quarter 2024.

“On a full-year fiscal 2023 basis, our Display Solutions segment sales increased 1% versus the prior year. As expected, this year’s growth was tempered by a fourth quarter sales decline, which saw the winding down of a $100 million multi-year QSR digital menu board program. Excluding the impact of that specific digital menu board program, segment sales increased a robust 13% for fiscal 2023, highlighting the ongoing strength and investment occurring in the grocery, refueling/c-store, and QSR market verticals. We continue to receive many inquiries from major brands considering image refresh programs for their existing locations, with a significant focus on cross selling display case solutions into the c-store vertical. We currently have multiple customer pilot programs in-process, as well as several new c-store products in development.”

“At this time, our Display Solutions segment remains focused on two primary growth initiatives, both of which remain on schedule. The first initiative involves increasing the display case manufacturing capacity for our JSI business, with plans to bring additional capacity online beginning in late September 2023. This new capacity will enable us to meet the growing demand for both refrigerated and non-refrigerated mobile display case products. The second initiative involves the design and development of our new refrigerant product line utilizing R-290 technology, which remains on track for market launch in the second half of fiscal 2024. R-290 is a natural, non-toxic refrigerant that is environmentally friendly, possessing no ozone depleting qualities. We continue to receive significant customer interest and advance requests for this new product line, as customers further gravitate toward energy transition technologies,” continued Clark.

“In fiscal 2023, we delivered our third consecutive year of sales growth and our fifth consecutive year of net income growth. Our performance over the last five years has put our company on an accelerated pace to exceed the 2025 targets we introduced in 2020. Given our track record of continuous improvement, we raised the bar further earlier this year, introducing an updated five-year strategic plan with financial targets through fiscal 2028. During the next five years, we plan to deliver total sales growth of more than 60%, adjusted EBITDA growth of 100%, and at least 250 basis points of Adjusted EBITDA margin rate expansion. The next step in our path to sustained growth in sales and profitability begins with fiscal 2024, and the LSI leadership team is confident in its ability to achieve these goals and create additional value for our customers, employees, and investors,” concluded Clark.


A conference call will be held today at 11:00 A.M. ET to review the Company’s financial results and conduct a question-and-answer session.

A webcast of the conference call and accompanying presentation materials will be available in the Investor Relations section of LSI Industries’ website at Individuals can also participate by teleconference dial-in. To listen to a live broadcast, go to the site at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

Details of the conference call are as follows:

Domestic Live: 877-407-4018
International Live: 201-689-8471

To listen to a replay of the teleconference, which subsequently will be available through August 31, 2023:

Domestic Replay: 844-512-2921
International Replay: 412-317-6671
Conference ID: 13740065


Headquartered in Cincinnati, LSI Industries (Nasdaq: LYTS) specializes in the creation of advanced lighting, graphics, and display solutions. The company’s American-made products, which include lighting, print graphics, digital graphics, refrigerated and custom displays, aim to help businesses stand out in a competitive market. With a workforce of nearly 1,600 employees and 11 facilities throughout North America, LSI is dedicated to providing top-quality solutions to its clients. Additional information about LSI is available at