The Top 10 'MUST SEE' Products–Submit Now

UPDATE:  Late Friday, 22  MAR, we received a whirlwind of requests for extensions.  There are some great products being launched this year, and we have extended our deadline to submit to Friday, 29 MAR.  
LIGHTFAIR is the undisputed premier lighting event in North America and many companies plan their product launches at this prestigious show.  With so many new products, EdisonReport has traditionally highlighted what we believe are the “Top 10 MUST SEE” products.
EdisonReport has confidential sources at all Tier 1 companies, most Tier 2 companies and some Tier 3 companies.  However, in spite of this coverage, there are still some great products that don’t make our list simply because we are unaware.   In 2014, we opened our doors and allowed companies to submit products directly to our team and it helped to improve the list.   We are doing the same this year.
If you know of a unique product (or service) that should be considered in our “Top 10 MUST SEE” List, send a picture and brief description here by Friday, 23 MAR. Only one submission per company will be considered.   The information will be kept confidential until Monday, 20 MAY, the day before the exhibition, at which time the list will be published.