Announcement of IES Board of Directors Election Slate

At the 2018 IES Annual Conference the Nominating Committee convened to perform the process of identifying the slate of Board of Director candidates that will appear on the ballot at the next Annual Membership Meeting. The Nominating Committee, which is comprised of four members selected by the Regions and three at-large members approved by the Board, is tasked with representing the membership in this important duty. There was only one current Board member (Past President) that was on the Nominating Committee, and this follows the policies of the organization. It was truly a committee of the membership identifying its future leaders.

The Nominating Committee interviewed candidates for The Vice President and three At-Large Director positions. The Vice President is a strategically important Board position as this individual is the President-Elect and will automatically succeed to the office of President. The Vice President shall:

• serve a one-year term commencing July 1
• cannot serve consecutive terms
• serve on the Executive Committee of the Board
• preside over the strategic and tactical planning activities of the society
• strive to visit IES Regional, District, Section, and other important meetings of the society
• in the absence or inability of the President, the Vice President shall preside and shall take up the President’s duties, when necessary, as directed by the Board, and
• have such other duties and powers as prescribed in the Bylaws, by the Board, the Policies of IES, or by law.

After succeeding to the office of President, this individual shall:

• exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Society under the Board
• preside over all meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and Member meetings of the Society
• appoint and fill vacancies on all committees with the approval of the Board, and
• have such other duties and powers as prescribed in these Bylaws, by the Board, the Policies of IES, or by law.

Members that serve as At-Large Directors on the Board shall:

• serve a two-year term commencing July 1
• be eligible to serve two consecutive terms
• contribute expertise and guidance to the Board in varying capacities and in overall direction for the Society, fulfilling such duties as assigned by the President and the Board, and
• have such other duties and powers as prescribed in these Bylaws, by the Board, the Policies of IES, or by law.

The Nominating Committee voted to present the following individuals for approval on the next ballot:

• At-Large Director: Frank Agraz, OSRAM Lighting Solutions (renewed for a second term)
• At-Large Director: Wilson Dau, Dau Design and Consulting (renewed for a second term)
• At-Large Director: Brienne Willcock, Illuminart (new candidate)
• Vice President (President-Elect): Antonio Garza, Iluminación Total

The Nominating Committee evaluated each candidate based on the roles, responsibilities, and skillset sought for each position, compared with the strategic direction of our Society. If you are interested in reading more about the process, please click here to view a communication that was sent back in January 2016 that remains relevant to today.

There were also two Regional Director positions that required nomination from their Regions. As per the IES Bylaws, the Regional Director shall:

• serve a two-year term commencing July 1;
• be eligible to serve two consecutive terms;
• contribute expertise and guidance to the Board in varying capacities and in overall direction for the Society;
• fulfill such duties as assigned by the President and the Board;
• serve as liaisons to the Board in all matters of Regional and District activity as described in Article 4.01.(D).iii.; and
• have such other duties and powers as prescribed in the Bylaws, by the Board, the Policies of IES, or by law

The Regional Nominating Committee (RNC) in both the Midwest and Northeast Region convened, each chaired by one of their respective District Chairs, to identify who will be put forward as Regional Director for each Region. The RNC includes the President and Secretary of each Section within its respective Districts, or designated alternate delegates from Section Boards of Managers, and the respective District Chairs and Vice Chairs. These Regional Nominating Committees will present the following individuals for approval from their regional members on the next ballot:

• Midwest Regional Director: Michelle Prew, Eaton Lighting (renewed for a second term)
• Northeast Regional Director: Rick Paradis, Synergy (renewed for a second term)

On March 1, 2019, all voting members of our Society will receive an electronic ballot to cast your vote with regards to the slate of candidates outlined above for their respective roles. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].