Joint Signify LED Patent License Agreement-Renegotiation

Henrik Villumsen Lawfirm has initiated an effort to bring together a large number of Signify Enabled-licensees with a view to jointly renegotiate their license agreements.  Henrik Villumsen has owned and managed the law firm for 6 years now. It has assisted some 65 clients both directly and indirectly from around the world with the Enabled-program in innumerable negotiations and re-negotiations.

Henrik Villumsen says: “With now almost 1000 licensees and some 1000 patents added to the program in 2018, totaling now some 3000 patents and patent applications, it can be a tough job for many individual licensees to maneuver. The idea of joining forces for the individual licensee is to reduce the cost of re-negotiation, while utilizing the fact that strength in numbers may lead to a better result.”

Henrik Villumsen adds that any confidentiality obligations will be respected and any interested (potential) licensee can contact the lawfirm at [email protected].

Check out our latest report here:

And our latest interview here: