Kevin McMaster Retires from GE Lighting

EdisonReport received the following invitation from Kevin to his retirement party and we are posting it below:

40 Year Quarantine Retirement Party…


Retiring in the teeth of a pandemic and social distancing is tough!

Tomorrow, Friday March 27th is my last day at the General.

First job out of college was with Ford Motor, Lorain OH when the energy crisis hit

we were building large cars when the demand was for small energy efficient…

unfortunately I was let go.  On the way home from that day I stopped in at a

“head hunter” to put in my application to see if they could help me find a job.

They told me I could fill out the application later.  They had a big client GE Lighting,

Ted Staggers, Detroit Sales Mgr., waiting in a room to interview a candidate.

The person he was to interview did not show so they asked me to do the interview.

The rest is history…40 years…fate? Luck? Meant to be?


I wanted to thank all of you for your friendship and support during my GE career.

It has been a great run and I will miss all of you.  Only wish I could have said goodbye in person.


Wishing you all success and that you and your families stay safe.

Hope to see you all again once this crisis is over.


Best regards!


Kevin ([email protected])