CONTROL THIS! Lines up World-Class Industry Experts, Hands-On Demos.

The reason EdisonReport promotes conference is that it is actually a 3-hour workshop that allows participants a hands-on, one-on-one opportunity to wire the components of the control systems.  Contrast this to the typical conference where we sit and look at powerpoint slides.

This workshop will consist of wiring exercises where participants actually wire (and commission) control devices and systems. Additionally, Steve Mesh will present some generic control information and issues in lecture format at the end of the 3-hour time period (control narratives, differences between hard-wired analog systems and digital plug-and-play, and more).

 This will be one of the best opportunities to better understand the latest in control technology.

View the Agenda.

Below are the speakers: 

  • Steve Mesh
  • Gary Meshberg
  • Dane Sanders
  • Darcie Chinnis
  • Michael Stiller
  • Shoshanna Seigal
  • Cheryl Massie
  • Pol Pla i Conesa
  • Susanne Seitinger