DOLED: Save the Date, but not the Location

Your humlbe editor loves the Department of LED.  On Friday afternoon they sent an email asking me to save the date for their next conference, but they fail to mention the location.   The email cliams, Few other conferences—if any—offer such a broad mix of perspectives as you’ll find at DOE SSL workshops, which draw “leading lights” from government, industry, the research community, and more. This mix—coupled with the vendor-neutral nature of the forum—makes for an atmosphere that’s conducive not only to sharing and connecting, but also to building partnerships and collaborations, as well as developing new ideas and approaches that will drive significant technology leaps forward”

Is it in Atlanta or Timbuktoo?  Perhaps there are some other “leading lights” that i could visit to help cost justify the trip.  As soon as we know th lcoation, we’ll pass it on.