LEDucation 8

ELS_LEDucation.jpgYour humble editor attended LEDucation 8, a two-day event held at the Sheraton New York City.  There are 220 exhibitors and the show is sold out for the 8th year.  Early pre registration numbers exceeded 2500 with anticipated overall attendance of 3500.  This is the first year that the show spans two days. 

LEDucation 8 is co-chaired by Burt Grant and Caroline Rinker. This is a great event and it continues to grow.  Several of the attendees told us that LEDucation is appealing because  AIA credits can be earned at no cost as admittance is free to IES and DLF members who pre-registered.

LEDucation 8 continues to expand their base.  Charles Pavarini, of the DLF, worked with the LEDucation team to appeal to interior designers.  There was a special tour of key exhibitors and their pitch was geared toward designers.  

When traveling to New York I expect to pay more for everything, as it is an expensive city to do business.  However, the low cost to exhibit, coupled with the free cost of attendance make this event very popular.