IESNYC Lumen Awards to be Announced at Press Conference

For the first time in the history of the Lumen Awards, the Illuminating Engineering Society New York City Section (IESNYC) is holding a press conference to announce the winners of this year’s awards. It is an opportunity to hear about these projects from the New York-based lighting designers who created them. The press conference will be held on Thursday, June 19, 2014, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at the Green Light Resource Center in Lower Manhattan.   

This year, twelve projects from ten different firms will be honored in the following categories: Lumen Award of Excellence – The highest level of recognition for permanent architectural application; Lumen Award of Merit – Meritorious recognition for permanent architectural application; Lumen Citation – Special recognition for an art installation, technical detail, portion of a single project, temporary installation or other work.  

The Lumen Awards program is a signature program of the IESNYC and was founded in 1968 to encourage and publicly recognize excellence, professionalism, ingenuity, originality, and sustainability in lighting design. It one of the oldest, lighting awards programs in the world and is the most prestigious award in the lighting industry.  

Recent past winners include Art House (Lumen Architecture), Bank of America Tower (CBBLD), Clifford Styll Museum (Arup), the Highline (L’Observatoire), Lincoln Center Public Spaces (Tillotson Design Associates), the Morgan Library and Museum (Renfro Design Group) the National September 11 Memorial (Fisher Marantz Stone), the Rookery (OVI), US Custom House (RS Lighting Design), Yotel (Focus Lighting).

Over 600 lighting designers, engineers, manufacturers, and members of allied design fields will come together on the evening of June 19th when the awards are first publicly announced. The aura of mystery is part of the Lumen Awards tradition, but the IESNYC feels it is high time to bring the projects into the light and to your attention.

To view last year’s winners, please visit

Lumen Awards Press Conference

Thursday, June 19, 2014 – 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Green Light New York Resource Center – 31 Chambers Street, Suite 609

Refreshments will be served

Please rsvp to [email protected]