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Should IES Move its Annual Conference from Indiana?

On LinkedIn, Edward Bartholomew, Commercial Lighting Program Manager at National Grid, posed the question:  “IES Conference is in Indianapolis Indiana. In light of recent developments, should we consider boycotting Indiana?”

Mark Roush, FIES, M.Arch., LC, Vice President (President Elect) at Illuminating Engineering Society quickly, and correctly, commented:  “The IES is NOT a political organization. Please do not lose sight of the fact that this is all political posturing which has little bearing on the IES or our conference. We have signed contracts with our providers not the least of which is Marriott. And although Marriott is a company with strong moral beliefs and religious foundations (no casinos or mini-bars in Marriott) they have no record of discrimination against patrons – or employees for that matter…Which is more important – boycott the state for it’s recent political statements – or support our profession (and the city of Indianapolis which has taken a stand against the state law) through our attendance? I have asked the Conference Committee to not get caught up in the politics of the day. We have a conference to deliver to our membership within one of our districts and in support of the recently re-formed section in our heartland – I for one will attend proudly – and hope to represent our organization at that time as the 111th President of the IES! I hope to see all our members – who relish the camaraderie we demonstrate, without discrimination, and in support of the ever growing diversity within our ranks – support our conference with their attendance.”

EdisonReport strongly supports Mark’s position.  The comments on LinkedIn also support Mark’s position.  According to LinkedIn, and as of this writing, Kim Peterson, Wanda Barchard, Rick Leeds, Andra Zinkon, and Larry Boxler all support the idea of keeping the conference in Indiana.

Read the Linked In conversation here.