EdisonReport Introduces LightSteps™

UPDATED:  25 MAR 2016–Paul Pompeo of The Pompeo Group and Mike Berens of Magnitude have pitched in $100 each, so now $300 will go to the charity of choice for the person with the most steps at LIGHTFAIR. 

Last week, at Light + Building, during a long night of heavy drinking and eating an entire pig at Adolph Wagner’s in Frankfurt, the conversation took an unusual turn. As the beer flowed and the lies began, the discussion turned to fitness.  The talk went from lumens per dollar to steps per day and the exaggerations stopped because smartphones don’t lie.   Turns out your humble editor had the highest number of steps in one day at 27,576. 

On the plane ride home, sitting next to Lana Lenar of zeroLux lighting design and Kathleen Carlisle of Dark No More, our talk also turned to steps per day.  It seems everyone is counting steps and tradeshows are a wonderful venue for increasing your count.

Therefore, EdisonReport will give $100  $300 to the charity of choice to the person with the most steps at LIGHTFAIR.  After the show, send a screenshot of your highest day to [email protected]and we’ll post the ten highest results and give  $100 $300 to the winner’s charity of choice.

Happy walking!