David Radulescu to Speak in San Diego on IP Issues Facing the Lighting Industry

In New York, in 2015, EdisonReport sponsored a forum to discuss the practices of the DLC and the forum was well attended, as the discussion was white-hot and informative. 

In San Diego, EdisonReport is pleased to sponsor a conversation regarding IP litigation in the lighting industry.  Our speaker, David Radulescu, Ph.D., of the law firm Radulescu LLP, is perhaps the most perfect person to speak on this subject as he has litigated more LED cases over the past two decades than any other lawyer in the country, including currently defending WAC Lighting against Philips Lighting’s IP suit.  Dr. Radulescu’s firm has had early success against Philips, including staying Philips’ Federal lawsuit and launching a powerful offensive effort – an ongoing investigation by the Patent Office into the validity of several of Philips’ “jewel” patents, where the Patent Office has already issued preliminary decisions that six of Philips’ patents are likely invalid. 

Dr. Radulescu will focus on key and current patent suits in the lighting industry, and one of his themes will be that we now have a new alternative to having to design around certain weak or junk patents to avoid expensive litigation.  In 2012, the U.S. Congress established a new avenue to challenge a patent’s validity before the Patent Office in a proceeding much like in a Federal lawsuit but in a quicker and significantly less expensive process than traditional litigation, enabling smaller companies to defend themselves more effectively. 

Your humble editor had the opportunity to meet Dr. Radulescu at his offices in The Empire State Building late last year and you won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear such a passionate speaker discuss such a timely topic.  The event will be held at 8:30 am at the Horton Grand (Gaslamp district in San Diego) on Wednesday, 27 APR and last for one hour.  There is no cost, but seating is limited. 

Register here.