U.S. Lighting Industry Rocks! UNICEF Campaign Complete: $49,954 Raised, Check Out Our 94 Unique Generous Donors

The industry has responded in a big way!  The fundraising goal for the US Lighting Industry was $5000 and UNICEF has received $49,954 from 94 different donors. Thanks to our friends at LEDucation who sent out an email blast to their data base, UNICEF received several donations immediately after their email. 

A few highlights:

  • San Diego Lighting Associates:  $5000
  • LEDucation/DLFNY:  $5000
  • Meteor Lighting: $2500
  • HALCO Lighting Technologies:  $1000
  • SDA Lighting:  $1000
  • Lambent Lighting Group:  $2500
  • PLP So Cal:  $5000
  • Spectrum Lighting:  $1000
  • Lighting Services, Inc:  $1000
  • Amerlux:  $1000
  • SATCO: $5000
  • EdisonReport matched 50 cents on the dollar for the first round of $5000 that was raised. (matching goal achieved, $2500 paid)
  • Inventronics matched 50 cents on the dollar for the next round of $5000 that was raised. (matching goal achieved, $2500 paid)
  • DMF Lighting matched dollar for dollar up to $5000. (matching goal achieved, $5000 paid)

Donate here

Thank you to our very generous donors:

Adam Heller
Allison Thayer
Andres Dieppa
Angie Hullfish
Barbara Pflaumer
Brad Salamone
Billy Hodges
Blane Goettle
Brienne Musselman
Bruce Pelton
Carrie Hawley
Carrie Meadows
Caryn Melton
Catherine Bontempo
Charles Cameron
Chris Chickanosky
Christopher Brown
Chuck Campagna
Cliff Smith
Colette Fleming
David Ghatan
Daniel Cortez
Daniel Gelman
David Jockenhoefer
Dawn Hollingsworth
Dennis Spaulding
Don Peifer
Dru Wallon
Eileen Thomas
Eric Borden
Eric Pollack
Eugene Song
Frank Agraz
Gabriel Arnold
Gary Allen
Greg Fiermuga
Govi Rao
Hanson Chen
Hollis Plimpton
Howard Wolfman
Jay Andrews
Jean Paul Freyssinier
Jen Butler
Jennifer Brons
Jennifer Mason
Jeremy Yon
Jesse Coletta
John Bullough
John Castner
John Camp
John Persky
Jordan Agustin
Joey Basile
Juliana Ruffalo
Kenneth Bluder
Kelly Roberts
Kimberly Smith
Kirk Sommer
Laurie Emery
Lawrence Berman
Loren Kessel
Lisa Reed
Lisa Yeadon
Mariana Figueiro
Mark Dundon
Mark Rea
Marshall Miles
Mary Ann Hoag
Matthew Helm
Monika Furch
Nancy Goldstein
Pat Gormley
Peter Resca
Paul Vincent
Randy Reid
Rosemarie Allaire
Sandra Stashik
Stephanie Goudreau
Sujeev Ruban
Ted des Enfants
Ted Konnerth
Teresa Bair
Thomas Reid
Timothy Stevens
Vivianne Vianna
William Gildin
William Hodges