Stocks 2022:  LSI Stands Alone with 83% Gain

The Dow fared the best of the indexes in 2022, down about 8.8%. The S&P 500 sank 19.4%, and is more than 20% below its record high, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq, where your humble editor is invested, tumbled 33.1%.

Our big winner was LSI which began the year $6.69 and ended at $12.24. This was an incredible gain as LSI continued to beat expectations and boasts of six consecturive quarters of double digit gains.

Dialight started at £319 and ended at £310, this 3% loss makes Dialight a strong winner when compared to other lighting companies.  In April Dialight returned to profitability after two years of losses.

Acuity and Signify are down 22% and 25% respectively, which is in line with the rest of the market.

The worst performing stock of the year by far was Energy Focus, they were down 93% and their market capitalization went from $26M to $3M. In September, they named Lesley Matt as new CEO.  IN November, Matt emphasized that Energy Focus is reinvesting  in their  military maritime markets as well as aggressively cutting costs to right-size the organization.

We do hear of other companies, both public and private, planning on a recession in 2023 and many are either reducing costs now, or planning to later this year.

EdisonReport wishes all of the publicly traded, and privately held companies a successful 2023.

31-Dec-21 31-Dec-22 Gain/Loss
AYI $211.72 $165.61 -22% $41.58 $31.38 -25% $102.80 $74.82 -27%
SGH $35.49 $14.88 -58%
Dia.L $319 $310 -3%
EFOI $4.27 $0.32 -93%
LSI $6.69 $12.24 83%
OESX $3.62 $1.82 -50%


Editor’s Note:  Randy Reid does not buy or sell stocks in the lighting industry.