Sad Labor Day for Universal Douglas Employees in Mexico

Universal Douglas Workers protest in Mexico holding a sign
May Day

Universal Douglas has still not responded to the workers at their Matamoros, Mexico plant that are desperate to receive pay and severance. Yesterday several workers held a march to draw attention to their plight, holding a banner stating, “Dia del Trabajo Triste” which roughly translates into “Sad Labor Day.”

Our source at the plant emailed me stating,”Still to this day, we have not heard back, people are still guarding the gates, no response has been received on the legal matter either from Universal Douglas.”

On 12 APR, a potential buyer called me and we discussed his interest in purchasing some of the assets,  I immediately wrote Steve Wybo, the Chief Restructuring Officer at an email he published ([email protected]) in his letter to customers dated 22 MAR. It was my second email to him and I did not receive a response.

The potential buyer is a well-known company and was quite interested, so I drove to Universal and knocked on the door. A young man answered and I explained that I had a potential buyer for some of the assets and would like to speak to Steve. He returned a few minutes later and said, “They are all in a meeting.” I handed him my business card and urged him to please have Steve contact me as soon as the meeting was over. As of this writing, I have not heard from him.

Below is a screenshot of a Facebook page covering yesterday’s march by LinkMX.

Screen shot of a Facebook page that contains text and images