Current Lighting Solutions Counters Signify’s Patent Infringement Claims with Massive Lawsuit

From Attorney

Breaking News on Signify’s EnabLED Licensing Program: Signify’s Accusations of Patent Infringement are “Without Merit”. Current Lighting Solutions just filed a massive suit in Boston seeking a declaration that eighteen (18) Signify Patents are NOT infringed by Current’s products. Here’s a summary of what Current is alleging:
(1) “Signify has accused certain Current LED drivers and fixtures of infringing the Asserted Signify Patents.”
(2) “Current has analyzed Signify’s accusations and determined they are without merit.”
(3) “Current has sought to engage Signify on the merits of its position(s). Signify recently cut off all merits discussions.”

Can’t wait to see if Signify puts its Licensing Fees where its mouth is.
