ITE Journal: Lighting for Pedestrians Essential in “Complete Streets” Planning and Design

ITE Pedestrian

Transportation Planner Frank Markowitz and Nighttime Lighting Design Expert Leni Schwendinger have produced an insightful and actionable article in the September 2023 issue of the ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers) on Lighting for Pedestrians.  The entire ITE Journal issue focuses on Active Transportation – walking, cycling, or using other devices like scooters and mobility devices. 

Immediately establishing the facts on the much higher fatality risk for pedestrians after dark, the article provides solid references to research on well-designed lighting being “one of the proven pedestrian safety countermeasures” per the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration.). The article also provides examples of the many other benefits of well-designed lighting beyond improved traffic safety and offering guidance on planning, policy and design principles and considerations. 

Looking to the future of Pedestrian-centered lighting, the authors conclude “enhanced lighting must be coordinated with other effective complete streets planning and design elements.  By considering the issues and strategies discussed in this article, transportation professional and lighting specialist can collaboratively improve after-dark pedestrian environments.”