IES Turns Out the Lights at 120 Wall Street

This Royal typewriter was showcased prominently in the office.
This famous Royal typewriter was showcased prominently in the office.

IES has terminated their lease and will be out of 120 Wall Street, effective 1 FEB. During the past four decades, your humble editor has attended and hosted various meetings and discussions in that office; it is a bittersweet moment. I will miss those office visits on my frequent visits to New York, but closing the office is the right decision. I filmed my final podcast from the 17th floor last week and most of the packing had already been completed.

IES Brass Plaque
IES Brass Plaque


This move marks the end of an era for IES. IALD closed their office two years earlier.

IES Executive Director and CEO Collen Harper articulated the rationale behind this significant change: “Over the years, 120 Wall Street has served as the backdrop to numerous achievements, collaborations, and milestones in the IES’s history. However, as the world evolves, so must we. Our decision to move is rooted in a strategic vision aimed at enhancing our operational efficiency and better aligning with the evolving needs of our staff, members, and the industry at large.”

Former LD+A Publisher, Paul Tarricone's Former Office
Former LD+A Publisher, Paul Tarricone’s Former Office


This strategic move comes at a time when many organizations are reevaluating their physical office needs in response to the changing landscape of work, particularly in the wake of increased remote and flexible work arrangements.

IES’s realtor, Silverstein, played a key role in the transition, with an agreement for IES to vacate the space by 1 FEB. The specifics of the agreement remain confidential, but the decision was made in the best interest of IES’s future. IES was paying approximately $50,000 per month to Silverstein. IES has long had storage space in the city and most of the files and artifacts have already been moved. 

Shelves where artifacts were displayed is completely bare.
Shelves where artifacts were displayed are completely bare.


IES is not venturing far, relocating to a smaller, more flexible WeWork space in the Financial District. This new workspace is designed to support 1-2 staff members, aligning with the modern, agile approach to workplace management. The move to this new space will be immediate, ensuring a seamless transition for the IES team and its operations.

Outside Looking In
Outside Looking In


This change signifies more than just a change of address for IES; it reflects a forward-thinking approach and adaptability to the changing tides of professional environments. As IES continues to illuminate the way in the world of lighting, this move to a more modern and efficient space is symbolic of the Society’s commitment to remain at the forefront of the industry’s evolution.

Official statement from the IES here