Founder Clay Edwards Departs Sabin

Picture of Clay Edwards

CHICAGO, IL May 6, 2024–Having cofounded Sabin in 2020 with partner Wes Cox, Clay Edwards has now departed from his role at Sabin. 

Sabin has developed a strong international sales network for their highly crafted acoustic lighting products. Their unique stitched construction and focus on performance make Sabin products a standout option in an increasingly crowded category. 

“Sabin’s distinctive and customizable options have really resonated with the design community,” says Edwards. “That sense of personalized craftsmanship will remain as their guiding principle to ensure continued success.”

“Building Sabin has been a rewarding chapter in my career, and I am looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges that await me in the industry,” further stated Edwards. 

Learn more about Sabin here.