An Interview with President Randy Allen at the NALMCO 71st Convention

President Randy Allen at the 71st NALMCO Convention
President Randy Allen at the 71st NALMCO Convention

Reflecting on Randy Allen’s Term as NALMCO President at the 71st Annual Convention

The 71st annual NALMCO convention in Orlando offered industry leaders an opportunity to review progress and strategies in lighting management. During this event, your humble editor who also serves as Editor of LM&M Magazine, sat down with the current NALMCO President Randy Allen to discuss his final year in office. Allen’s term officially concludes on 31 December 2024, marking the end of a year filled with significant achievements and organizational improvements.

A Year of Strategic Initiatives

A key highlight of Allen’s presidency was a strategy session that brought together industry leaders, including lighting expert Mark Lien who led a strategy discussion. This session was important for NALMCO’s future direction. The lively discussions allowed the board to brainstorm new initiatives and build a vision for the organization’s growth.

Advancing Certification Programs

One of the biggest accomplishments during Allen’s term was the focus on certification programs. NALMCO’s certification efforts included the introduction of GUV (germicidal ultraviolet) certification. At the convention, NALMCO hosted training sessions on GUV certification. “We’ve become the world leader in GUV certification,” Allen shared, reflecting on the program’s success and growing recognition.

Ensuring Leadership Continuity Through Succession Planning

Another priority for Allen was succession planning. He understood the importance of building a strong pipeline of future leaders. “I wanted to leave NALMCO with a structured, forward-looking succession plan,” Allen explained. By the end of his term, NALMCO had two to four years of leadership already identified, ensuring that the organization is well-prepared for the future.

Financial Recovery and Stability

Perhaps one of the most impressive achievements of Allen’s presidency is NALMCO’s financial recovery after the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Allen proudly noted that NALMCO is now in a stronger financial position than before COVID. This financial stability allows NALMCO to reinvest in its growth and pursue its long-term vision. In the interview, I praised this turnaround saying, “Many nonprofits are struggling, but NALMCO is thriving.”

Key Insights from Convention Presentations

The convention also featured valuable presentations on topics that will shape the lighting industry’s future. I was particularly impressed by Mark Jewell’s talk on virtual salesmanship and Mark Lien’s insights on artificial intelligence (AI). Allen shared his thoughts on AI, explaining how his own company, FSG, has started using it to streamline operations. By automating routine processes, FSG can focus more on strategic management and less on day-to-day tasks. Allen acknowledged AI’s potential and challenges, adding, “It’s both eye-opening and a bit scary.”

Looking Ahead

As Allen prepares to step down at the end of his two-year term, he leaves NALMCO in a strong position. His focus on strategic planning, certifications, succession, and financial recovery has set a solid foundation for the organization’s future. The next group of leaders, introduced at the convention, will build on this work, ensuring NALMCO’s continued success. “I’m confident that the new board will carry forward the vision we’ve developed,” Allen concluded, looking ahead to the organization’s bright future.

Randy Allen’s term as NALMCO president has marked significant accomplishments. From advancing certifications to ensuring financial stability, Allen’s leadership has left a lasting impact. As the lighting industry continues to evolve, NALMCO is well-positioned to lead the way, thanks to his efforts.

Read about Day 1 at the NALMCO Conference here.