Edison Report Lightfair Coverage
- Selling to your Customer’s Customer–developing…
- most source/component companies sell complete fixtures
- traditional channels ‘out the door’
- The hotel problem in Philly
- Innovation Awards:
- Most Innovative Product of the Year: Acuity Brands, A5 OLED
- Technical Innovation Award: Philips Lumileds, LUXEON A
- Design Excellence Award: Tech Lighting, Low-Voltage LED Flood
- Judges Citation: 10th Annual IES Handbook
- LIGHTFAIR 2013, Philadelphia vs New York: No decision yet.
- City of Philips: Approximately 10% of floor space.
- More OLED, Plasma, Controllable HID at show. Philips invests $57M in OLED capacity in Germany.
- The Top ‘MUST SEE’ List
- Fewer companies in China Pavilion
- Ed’s Annual Question: “How can you be a leader in the lighting industry and not attend LIGHTFAIR?”
- Piper Jaffray to host private symposium on Wednesday
- Ed’s Parties!
- First LightFEST: Franklin Institute. LIGHTFAIR donates $2500 to Partnership for Achieving Careers in Technology and Scienct (PACTS)
- Bill Brown Sales/ALP: Standing room only
- Fulham: City tour on Wednesday, party at the historic Tavern, Best food of the show
- Lowes Bar seems to be the late night gathering place
- LIGHTFAIR Introduces App for smart phones
- GE uses “Wii”-like technology in booth
- Heard at the Show:
- Concern about Philips Exiting Induction
- Pemco lights luminaires from wasted energy of other luminaires? (booth 3337)