Is 2022 Going to be a Bounce Back Year? – William Blair and Channel Marketing Group Survey Says “Yes”

William Blair and Channel Marketing Group have released their findings from an on-line survey of electrical distributors, manufacturers, and manufacturers’ representatives and lighting agencies between March 15-23, 2022. There were a total of 230 responses – 62 distributors and 168 manufacturers, reps, and agencies.

From the distributors’ side, mid-sized and small new construction projects, as well as the same sized renovation projects, led the increase in sales performance in Q1, which was up over 10% from Q1 2021.

Q2 2022 is also projected for an increase in sales with distributors, so there is plenty of optimism.

From the manufacturers’ perspective, there were also an increase in sales performance in Q1 2022 over Q1 2021, and the level of optimism for Q2 is high, with percentage expected sales increases in the double digits for the Q2 2022 forecast over Q2 of last year.

The detailed report also includes market insights, pricing trends, product introductions and market threats, inventory, and supply chain concerns.

The full report can be accessed here.