It's LEDucation Time!

EdisonReport is in New York this week covering LEDucation and the forecast calls for an excellent show.  We’ll have our camera crew from 9am until noon on Tuesday, 13 MAR, conducting LightPitch(tm) at key exhibitors. This is where manufactures have one minute to pitch their company and/or product.
Your humble editor was invited to a Speakers Dinner where we learned a few interesting facts about the 2018 show:

  • Pre-Registration is ahead of 2017 by about 30%
  • Wendy Kaplan and Craig Fox are the co-chairs of the Speakers Program again this year.  106 people requested to speak and 31 were chosen.  Kaplan commented to me that it is a far cry from the early days when the literally had to beg people to speak.
  • The website,, has been totally re-engineered and is very friendly.
  • LEDucation now has their own mobile app which has all of the information needed in an easy format. Download it here.
  • There is a Light it Up party, complete with Jazz bands, scheduled for 7 pm to 10 pm, Tuesday evening, 13 MAR.
  • Approximately 250 vendors will exhibit this year and the show is again sold out.  About 30 manufacturers are on the waiting list for 2019.

There is no better CEU deal in our industry. The cost is free to IES members and DLFNY members who pre-register. Non-members pay $50.00.  With LIGHTFAIR alternating between Philadelphia, Chicago, Philadelphia and the West Coast, LEDucation becomes more and more valuable to the New York Specifier.
We are looking forward to a great show!