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Light in Times of COVID-19 – Part 2: News from AWA Lighting Designers

In our last newsletter sent on April 17 (Read HERE), we had written on possible methods on dealing with our current times of COVID-19 with light. We were utilizing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs principle (Wikipedia Page) – and offering methods to deal with COVID-19 from a technical, emotional, and pathological standpoint.

In this newsletter, we are aspiring to get back to a “normal” life with great determination and resolve, while wishing that all of us stay safe and healthy. We have all been working from home since mid-March, and it will possibly stay this way till mid-May (or longer). Like many, if not all of us, we have figured out ways to improve our efficiency working remotely. Since all three active studios of AWA have been collaborating remotely since 2006, intertwined in our standards, procedures, and deliverables, working remotely was easy- we have had loads of practice. What we all miss is seeing each other in person, and seeing all of you who we consider our friends. However, in an effort to get back to some normalcy- we may be months away from that- we thought we should share with all of you a few events from the past few months, and other happenings that we are thankful for.

Hearing ambulance sirens through all hours of the day and night, we are most grateful to all the healthcare and essential workers that were risking infection every day saving lives and being with people most in need. Please join us every evening at 7 pm (from your home) to thank them, whichever part of the world you are in.

As always, we love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you again in the near future (with or without masks).

Thank you

Abhay Wadhwa
Design Principal  l  CEO
AWA Lighting Designers