Megan Carroll Becomes New IESNYC Vice President

Mike Barr, President of the IESNYC, announced that as of February 1, 2021, Megan Carroll, LC, a Senior Specification Sales Manager at NY Digital and a current Member of the IESNYC Board of Managers, is the Section’s new Vice President. She also assumes the role of Chair of the Finance Committee. Megan has over 30 years’ industry experience in marketing and sales and is one of the active founders of WILD. Her leadership in the IESNYC and the IES includes serving as IESNYC Lumen Chair, IES Illumination Awards Chairwoman, Marks Committee, and most recently, as the Chairwoman of the of the IES Annual Conference.

Megan succeeds Pete Jacobson, who is transitioning from IESNYC Vice President to a Member of the Board of Managers. Pete has spent over 30 years as the Lighting Specialist at Con Ed and in that capacity, has been a vital link to the lighting community. During that time, Pete has served on the IESNYC Board of Managers and has been a source of information and guidance to many IESNYC Presidents. He was also a long-time Member of the IES Progress Report Committee.