GE Current, a Daintree Company Rebrands

GE Current, a Daintree company unveiled their new logo at LightFair this morning.

James Benson, VP of Enterprise Marketing and Communications, stated, “GE Current, a Daintree company and Hubbell Lighting have come together to form Current.  With that new name comes all new branding, which we are really excited to launch here at Lightfair.”

The logo was on an easel and hidden behind a black screen.  After the unveiling, Jim described the logo as “Simple. Bold. Elegant.”

He went into more detail, saying, “The center point comes outward, and that represents our customers that are at the center and the heart of all we do. The nesting circles represent the balance and synergy between lighting and controls, artistry and technology, and beauty and function.”

Jim also mentioned that one might see an LED chip within the logo, which represents over 200 years of combined innovation in the lighting industry.  He thanked LightFair for allowing him the venue for announcing the rebranding.