Pop-Up Celebration with the Legendary Bill Brown

Shirley Coyle and Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference
Shirley Coyle and Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference

At Friday’s luncheon at the IES Annual Conference, attendees were delighted with an unexpected visit from Bill Brown. He was received with the enthusiasm one would reserve for a rock star, with individuals lining up to greet and reconnect with him. Bill was one of the original sources of the EdisonReport, and his invaluable advice and mentorship over the years is deeply cherished by this humble editor. 

Randy Reid with Bill Brown
Randy Reid with Bill Brown


Of the approximately 370 attendees at the IES Annual Conference, none had a bigger smile than Bill Brown!

Richard Wyton Bows to Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference
Richard Wyton Bows to Bill Brown


Richard Wyton visits with Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference
Richard Wyton visits with Bill Brown


Nancy Clanton visits with Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference
Nancy Clanton with Bill Brown at the IES Annual Conference


Bill was the original honoree at our first Lifetime Achievement Awards. Watch Steve Brown’s presentation to his father in 2015.