Spectrum Unveils Wireless Power for Lighting at Light Middle East

The standing-room-only crowd was drawn by the innovative technology Shawkat presented—a product yet to be named by Spectrum that boasts the ability to transmit up to 50 watts of power through air, regardless of its density, and even through materials like wood, sheetrock, or water. This technology is initially targeting niche markets, specifically pool lighting and linear façade lighting, leveraging the potential to revolutionize how we approach outdoor lighting installations.

Shawkat referenced a study by then-Philips Lighting which highlighted a critical pain point in outdoor lighting: 90% of failures stem from connection issues. This new wireless power technology, with a transmission range of 25 cm, promises to mitigate such vulnerabilities.

“The life should be similar to any other properly heat-sinked Luminaire that uses a capacitor in their driver,” Shawkat assured the audience, suggesting longevity on par with traditional systems. However, he was careful not to divulge too many details, citing ongoing patent applications that safeguard the innovation.

Demonstration of wireless electricity
Demonstration of wireless electricity at Light + Intelligent Building Middle East


Spectrum, as the technology division of the Goodman Group based in Germany, hints that the premium cost of this wireless technology could be balanced by the savings on maintenance costs—a significant consideration for those in the industry.

I had the opportunity to witness this technology firsthand at Spectrum’s booth, where Nabil Al Shurafa, the Projects Director, offered me a demonstration. Intrigued, I placed my hand between the power source and the luminaire, only to find that the beam of power was uninterrupted—a clear testament to the capabilities of this groundbreaking technology.

This is one of the neatest products I have seen in many years.