ST. PAUL, MN, January 29, 2024 – MetroSpec Technology, the leading American manufacturer of custom LED light sources, announces FlexRad Linear360 is now available pre-installed with snap-in PMount™ fasteners. Linear360 enables fast and easy installation into curved LED light fixtures and rings. This innovative light engine is custom designed to your specifications with holes to accept fasteners that press directly to the heatsink. Linear360 greatly reduces labor when compared to alternative daisy chain solutions.
Linear360 is a robust and flexible LED light engine capable of bending in or out of plane to create arcs, rings, and all types of curved fixtures. Its uniformity and efficiency are superior to LED flexible shape solutions.
With the ability to go from a flat orientation then curve into a different direction, Linear360 enables 3D curvilinear sculpting. Designed and built with spring form technology, Linear360 remains flat to the heat sink regardless of how you bend it, avoiding any optical interference.
Linear360 provides the highest light outputs and efficacies, enabling light quality and uniformity. It is available in any CCT or CRI combination, and in every option of color and tone control. Trimmable from continuous reels, Linear360 is the simplest and best solution for curved fixture designs.
“We have seen customers trim 20 minutes or more per fixture out of their assembly processes. By following the predetermined hole pattern, there is no chance of a path mistake. Also, Linear360 is shipped and installed from 200-foot reels – compact, easy, and without waste,” said Vic Holec, MetroSpec Founder and General Manager.
Informational sheets and videos for FlexRad® technologies can be found on their website: flexrad.com. For more information on Linear360, please click here or email: [email protected].
About MetroSpec Technology
MetroSpec Technology is a LED light source manufacturing company specializing in custom flexible, high quality, high intensity lighting solutions tailored for light fixture manufacturers producing high end commercial, architectural, and hybrid lighting systems. MetroSpec offers quick development for all of their patented FlexRad LED light engines made exactly to custom specifications. FlexRad designs are innovative, field proven, and customizable to any shape and size with optional wires, connectors, or PMount™ press-in place fasteners.
MetroSpec Technology is located minutes from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in St. Paul, Minnesota.
MetroSpec Technology LLC
2401 Pilot Knob Road, Suite 108
St. Paul, MN 55120
Tel: 651-452-4800