ETC Launches Season Two of On Headset Podcast Series

On Headset

ETC is excited to announce the launch of season two of its popular podcast series, *On Headset*. This season, titled “The Paule Project,” offers listeners an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the world of theatrical lighting design. The immersive series invites audiences to experience real-time programming sessions with renowned lighting designers, showcasing the intricate art of crafting visual spectacles for major productions.

In this season, listeners will follow internationally acclaimed lighting designer Paule Constable and programmer Will Frost as they navigate the technical rehearsals for the National Theatre’s production of *The Normal Heart*. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s HIV/AIDS crisis in New York, this iconic play provides a rich case study for understanding the nuances of theatrical lighting. Through lightly curated recordings of headset conversations, Constable and Frost reveal the collaborative and creative processes involved in bringing the production’s lighting to life.

Declan Randall, outreach and training specialist at ETC, emphasizes the unique educational value of this season: “The National Theatre has generously allowed us to provide an exclusive look at their groundbreaking production. Each episode of *On Headset* offers listeners invaluable insights into the lighting design process, from conceptual discussions to the final touches of the show.”

Season two spans five episodes and explores various facets of lighting design, including collaborative efforts, programming techniques, and the integration of effects. Listeners will have the opportunity to experience real-time programming alongside Constable’s instructions, with additional supporting materials such as show files, lighting plots, and operator guides available to enhance their understanding.

ETC invites all lighting enthusiasts and professionals to tune into the second season of *On Headset* and immerse themselves in the art of theatrical lighting. The podcast is available on all major platforms, and additional resources can be accessed through the provided link.

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