F.X. Souvay Sheds Light on LMPG’s Centers of Manufacturing Excellence

Randy Reid interviewed F.X. Souvay
Randy Reid interviewed F.X. Souvay
Below is the text of an email message we received from the Chicago area.

With the recent addition of several prominent brands to our house of brands, LMPG has developed the critical mass necessary to seize various operating synergies and foster new opportunities for development and innovation. Innovation, optimization, and efficiency have always been at the heart of what we do. This is true whether we are talking about our lighting solutions, our people or how we do business. 

Today, we are announcing a significant next step in our never-ending quest to deliver cost effective, innovative solutions for the specification lighting community and new opportunities for our employees. Effective today, we will start the process of realigning our Chicago (Roselle), Quebec City and Montreal (Longueuil) operations and teams to create our first LMPG Centers of Manufacturing Excellence (CMEs). These CMEs will be responsible for the manufacturing needs of multiple brands, leveraging our operational experience and know-how from across the various brands. This realignment will effectively evolve our production model from a brand based one to a site based one.

Moving to a site-based production model allows us to crystallize the following benefits:

To execute the vision and seize the opportunity before us, we must make some very difficult decisions. After exhaustive analysis and review, we have decided to relocate our Quebec City manufacturing operations to Longueuil and Roselle. This relocation will allow us to streamline processes, maximize our capabilities and bring us closer to our largest market.

What does this effectively mean for us? Lumca production will be moved to Montreal (Luminaires) and Roselle (fabrication of poles and arms). Consequently, the Quebec City production facility will be closed by the end of January 2024.

Lumca, as a brand, will maintain its distinct identity and will continue to manage its own sales agent representative network, sales teams, marketing, and product development teams. There is no change in how they do business with agents and specifiers. They will continue to manage their own product development roadmap. This decision aligns with our commitment to ensuring Lumca’s continued success and future growth.

Meetings with the individuals affected by this decision have been scheduled to discuss the transition plan and share the timeline details. Our commitment to transparency and open communication paramount during this transition. We recognize that this evolution may bring questions and concerns, and we are here to address them promptly.