A Bright Start: The Inaugural Success of NYControlled


Updated 17 NOV 2023, 3:30 ET to reflect comments from Mauricio Lopez.

The inaugural NYControlled event at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 14 NOV, proved to be extremely successful.

The Metropolitan Pavilion was an ideal venue for the event, which was likely appreciated by those familiar with the rep shows from ELS and SDA held there. Unbeknownst to many, the Pavilion boasts a fourth floor, which was the perfect size for this event.


Earlier this week, we featured an interview with Glen Karpinos, who divulged the origins of the event’s inspiration. Following his inspiration, a dedicated committee was formed, consisting of a strong mix of leaders from the New York lighting community:

  • Megan Carroll, Regional Sales Manager, Lighting Services Inc
  • Dan Blitzer, Principal, Practical Lighting Workshop
  • Charles Selander, Specification Sales, Illuminations Inc.
  • Olena Zavragina, Lighting & Controls Specification Sales, SDA Lighting
  • Patrick Clarke, Systems Engineering Manager, Specification Lighting Sales
  • Glen Karpinos, Specification Sales, O’Blaney Rinker Associates
  • Nick Downham, Control Systems Manager, Lighting Services Inc
  • Cynthia Turner, NYC Regional VP, USAI Lighting
  • Gary Meshberg, Market Development Specialist, Legrand North America

We also spotted Cathy Bontempo at the show and we know she does a lot behind the scenes.  We talked to several committee members and learned just how much planning and work went into creating this show.

Kelly Roberts of Primary Arc Design, Shoshanna Segal of HLD, Charles Selander of Illuminations Inc, Megan Carroll of Lighting Services Inc, and Erin Krummenacker of SLS
Kelly Roberts of Primary Arc Design, Shoshanna Segal of HLD, Charles Selander of Illuminations Inc, Megan Carroll of Lighting Services Inc, and Erin Krummenacker of SLS


Sirun Olivapotenza from Apeiro Design commented, “It is amazing that IESNY and DLFNY teams put this together in such short period of time. Well done! Wonderful energy and fantastic interaction. A great mix of electrical engineers, lighting designers, contractors, and reps.”

Megan Carroll informed your humble editor that the number of registrants reached 793 prior to the start of the show.  Throughout the eight-hour duration, attendance was consistent. At one point, specifically at 2:30 pm, Cliff Smith and I did a headcount and noted approximately 224 individuals on the exhibition floor, while an additional 25 to 30 were participating in Jessica Kelly’s presentation in a separate area. During certain peaks, it seemed as though the event was nearing its maximum occupancy limit.

The show itself, though the first of its kind, was executed with a high level of professionalism. The sessions I attended were well-attended and insulated from the buzz of the exhibitors’ area.  The space was utilized to its fullest with little room for additional exhibitors which inadvertently contributed to the event’s energetic feel. If there was space for one or two more exhibitors, I did not see it.  I hope the show does not grow too much next year so that they can keep the same location and footprint.

Jim Sikenger of Silvair
Jim Sekinger of Silvair


Despite the positive turnout, there is opportunity to improve outreach. I had an off-site meeting at 4:30 pm with a designer from a large lighting design firm.  Much to my dismay, he was unaware of the event.  But this is on me.  Next year, EdisonReport, and designing lighting (dl) magazine will do a better job of promoting the show. 

Jen Bogden from Illuminations, Inc. encapsulated the sentiment of many when she said she “enjoyed the show and found the educational sessions especially informative,” highlighting the value of the event beyond its networking potential.

Crowd Shot of NYControlled 2023
Crowd Shot of NYControlled 2023


At 6:30 pm, I spoke with Chris Primous of LiteTrace-Autani. He expressed his satisfaction with the event, stating, “It’s a long day and we’ve been very busy.”

Mauricio Lopez of ML Studio emailed the following comment, “Being able to see the different lighting control manufacturers and options in one place makes it easier to compare the pros and cons of the different systems for their application on each type of project. A key element to controls is understanding each system’s capabilities, and sometimes that is just simplifying it, without over-designing the controls with features that are not needed for the project. The controls show also fosters direct communication between designers and manufacturers, which is key to the success of any project.”

NYControlled has raised the bar for first-year industry events with its mix of comprehensive educational sessions, a packed exhibitors floor, and a vibrant atmosphere. It is by far the best inaugural show that I have ever attended. With a little fine-tuning, and more help from the media, this show has great potential.