IESNYC Presents Intro to Equity for Lighting Professionals

The IESNYC is presenting a virtual program and discussion with Dr. Jarik Conrad to discuss equity in the lighting profession. This event is highly recommended for those in leadership roles in our industry.

February 9, 2022 | 6:00pm ET Webinar

Diversity is more than just a hot topic. The conversation around equity in our lighting community is just getting started. Want to learn why YOU are a critical part of the conversation? Join us for an introductory seminar and discussion on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

This seminar is designed to educate members who commonly find themselves in a majority (white, straight, cisgender, male, non-disabled, etc.) on our evolving social landscape. It’s not a vocabulary lesson; no buzzwords for you to memorize. This is a low-pressure introductory session on why issues related to racism, homophobia, genderism, religious bias, ableism, classism, xenophobia, and sexism matter to you. It may inspire you to find your place in the conversation.

Register today