Rafal Han, CEO of Silvair, Makes a Solid Case for Wireless Controls at LEDucation

Rafal Han, the CEO and Co-founder of Silvair, made a fabulous case for Bluetooth mesh wireless controls with his presentation at LEDucation on Monday, entitled “Democratizing Lighting Controls to Meet Global Sustainability Targets.”

Exalting that Bluetooth mesh controls “had it all,” Rafal took a step-by step approach detailing the technology’s benefits in 5 areas:

  1. Interoperability
  2. Scalability
  3. Security
  4. Reliability and Robustness
  5. Ease of use.

Calling it a future-proof technology and detailing the many energy savings opportunities, Mr. Han piqued the interest of this viewer. He certainly delivered on each of his learning objectives:

  • Learn how technology enables low-effort implementation of advanced control strategies.
  • Get an introductory understanding of the Bluetooth mesh technology.
  • Learn how they can integrate Bluetooth mesh technology with lighting products, and how they can deploy it in buildings.
  • Learn how Bluetooth mesh supports advanced control strategies, shortening the path to energy savings and energy code compliance.

I, for one, will be looking for his name as a presenter in future events.