DesignLights Consortium Announces New Categories for Luminaire Qualification (and hopefully a more streamlined approval process)

EdisonReport is not a fan of DLC.  You fill out a report, you pay $500 with your credit card, you may or may not hear back from them.  Emails go unanswered.  Phone calls usually go directly to voice mail. 

Originally they were set up and funded to support the Northeast Utilities and the approval list was private. Months ago DLC published their list and the DLC became the defacto approval agency overnight.  Some utilities across the country now require product to be approved by DLC, yet they contribute nothing to DLC.  There are job specifications that now require DLC, and as a result, almost all luminaire manufactures are requesting DLC approval.  DLC was never set up or staffed for this volume of business.  One large OEM told your humble editor that they can point to several hundred thousands of dollars in lost sales waiting for DLC approval.  Approval was supposed to be two weeks but is can be six to eight weeks. 

We hope their new process can streamline their business, but as you will read below they are temporarily suspending online submission and the documents have to be attached to an email–just more stuff for them to lose.  

Unfortunately, there is no choice but to do business with the DLC.


Letter from Jon Linn:

DesignLights Consortium Members, Manufacturers of SSL Luminaires and Industry Stakeholders, 

I am pleased to announce new and updated categories and specifications for commercial SSL luminaire qualification.

Attached here and referenced below are 1) DLC’s new Technical Requirements Table 1 version 1.6and 2) DLC checklist for email submission of applications. Below I explain what is new and what is still in the works, how the new specifications take effect and how the old ones phase out.

First I would like to thank everyone who chipped-in to develop this significant update: DLC members (energy efficiency program managers from across North America, NRCan and technical advisors), the DLC technical team at D&R International, our PNNL advisors working under the DOE SSL commercialization programs and countless advisors from luminaire and component manufacturers. Thank you for your patience, persistence and support.

Look in the News section of the DesignLights web site for information on these updates. Also, look for a notice, next week, announcing a webinar on Tuesday, August 2 at which we will present and explain the updated category specifications.

DLC Table 1 Version 1.6 Effective Dates and Milestone Schedule

The new DLC Category Specifications take effect immediately, yet there are a number of significant milestones which govern activities in the transition from current requirements.


  1. Effective Date. Release and publication of Table 1 Version 1.6, dated July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

  1. Applications Accepted under v1.6. DLC will be accepting applications for luminaire qualification according to Table 1, Version 1.6, beginning next week.

Monday, July 25, 2011

  1. DLC interrupts on-line submission of product applications. Applications according to Table 1 Versions 1.5 and 1.6 must be submitted by email, according to the manual checklist attached here. We will resume on-line applications when the on-line process is fully updated, tested and validated.

Monday, July 25, 2011

  1. Webinar to Present Table 1, v1.6.  DLC will conduct a webinar to present and explain the category and specification updates. Look for a message from us at least a week ahead. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

  1. Resume on-line submission. DLC resumes on-line submission of luminaire applications. Look for notification from us that the on-line form has been re-activated.

Estimated August 12, 2011

  1. Final application submittals under Table 1, Version 1.5. In consideration of those who have begun the application process and luminaire- level testing, DLC will accept these applications for qualification for two months following today’s announcement. If you product qualifies under v1.5 but not under v1.6 then the sunset date described below will serve to de-list your product.

Thursday, September 23, 2011

  1. De-Listing of Products   Some products which became qualified by DLC under Table 1, version 1.5 will not qualify under v1.6. DLC will de-list those products 270 days from the effective date (today).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What is new in Table 1 v1.6, July 22, 2011?

The v1.6 update includes a number of changes to current categories’ numerical values as well as new categories and instructions for application processes. Here are some highlights.

  • Updated values. We have reviewed and updated requirement values for all parameters of the existing eleven categories. We examined market developments, especially through utility program incentive requests, and we have adjusted levels for efficacy, lumen maintenance, warranty, etc. accordingly.
  • Added Categories. We have added categories such that the number is now nineteen, up from eleven. We have also separated some categories in order to make distinctions more clear among the nineteen. New categories include:
    • Bollards
    • Wall-wash Luminaires
    • Horizontal Refrigerated Case Lighting
    • Linear Panels, 1×4
    • Linear Panels, 2×4
    • Retrofit Kits for Outdoor Area and Roadway Luminaires
    • Retrofit Kits for Outdoor Decorative Luminaires
    • 4’ Linear Fluorescent Replacement Lamps
    • Testing Instructions The Retrofit Kits and the 4’ Linear Fluorescent Replacement Lamps categories include instructions for luminaire-level testing. Be sure to study these before beginning your application.
    • Electric Properties. We have set requirement levels for electric properties of luminaires: THD and Power Factor.

Again, submit further luminaire qualification applications using the attached checklist. And, look for our next message to let you know that the on-line submission form is back and available for use.

Thank you for your support and your continued association with the DLC commercial SSL effort.



Jonathan Linn, PE, LC

Commercial Programs Manager