Truth in Advertising from the DOLED

At a conference a few years ago sponsored by the DOLED, an attorney from the Department Of LED Justice (DOLEDJ) spoke to the attendees and warned manufactuers about truth in advertising with regard to their LED products.  

The speaker was quite firm in that they were monitoring claims by lighting companies and would aggressively prosecute violaters.  His talk was well received from the auidence.

However, before the Justice attorney spoke, there was a session about ‘Lighting Facts’.  It was clear that Lighting Facts people were only interested in LED Lighting Facts.  Non-LED technologies need not apply for ‘Lighting Facts’ approval.

Your editor humbly asked the DOLEDJ attorney if he felt the DOLED was being truthful in their advertising and was it fair for them to call a program ‘Lighting Facts’, when it only applied to LED Lighting Facts. The DOLEDJ attorney did not know what to make of my question.  Later, I privately asked Jim Brodrick and Jim gave me his base answer about the congressional mandate to promote SSL, etc, etc….

Today, we see a slight change in direction from the DOLED and we welcome it.

Below you will see the MAR 2011 ‘Lighting Facts’ Update:


and the current ‘LED Lighting Facts’ update:


This is one subtle, but fair step, and we congratulate Jim Brodrick and his team for righting this wrong.