All-Star Cast to speak at IES Annual Conference 26-29 OCT in Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach, CA
October 26 – 29, 2013 

Keeping up with constantly changing technology is getting harder and harder, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the lighting industry. To address this problem, every year, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) organizes its Annual Conference with a line-up of educational sessions presented by leading lighting professionals from the United States and abroad. The goal of these sessions is to expose attendees to some of the latest and most promising ideas in lighting.

This year’s conference, dubbed Lighting for Excellence, is scheduled for October 27th through 29th at the Hyatt Regency Resort in Huntington Beach, California.

Many of the speakers at this year’s conference include recognized lighting experts such as Naomi Miller, Gustavo Aviles, Brian Liebel, Cheryl English, Owen Howlett, Kevin Houser, as well as others who bring expertise from outside the industry. “With this all-star cast, conference attendees will be sure to get information that is both timely and accurate,” said Jennifer Jaques, Chair of the IES Annual Conference Steering Committee.

“In addition to planning educational sessions about lighting, the IES invited Ekaterina Walter to give an engaging presentation on tactical social media. Walter’s talk will be a must-see for lighting professionals who are building their online presence,” said Jaques. Walter, CMO of Branderati, is a social media trailblazer and author of the bestseller,Think like Zuck. Recent statistics show that 56 percent of Americans have a profile on a social networking site, and 22 percent of Americans use social networking sites several times per day. 

For more information about the courses on the latest lighting research and practices being offered at the Annual Conference, go or contact Valerie Landers by phone: 212-248-5000, ext 117 or email: [email protected]


IES is the oldest and largest educational and scientific society in North America devoted to lighting. Since 1906, the IES has sought to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public. A broad variety of programs, including publications, conferences and seminars, have been established to accomplish this mission. IES publishes and distributes the finest lighting literature authored by committees with the most experienced minds in industry and academia today. For more information about IES, go to