Frankfurt am Main, 30 05 2022. New impulses, personal exchange and innovative solutions: The yearning for the industry meeting place for lighting and building technology services is great, and the date of the Light + Building Autumn Edition is approaching. From 2 to 6 October 2022, the time has finally come again, when the leading international trade fair will be held as a special edition. The successful start of many international trade fairs, such as Prolight + Sound in April and IFFA in May 2022, is fuelling the anticipation.
The restart of the industry comes at a time that is more than ever characterised by uncertainty and crises. However, the intensified climate debate, questions about alternative energy sources and mobility concepts are also providing the industry with an environment in which its forward-looking solutions are more in demand than ever. The Light + Building Autumn Edition offers the opportunity to discover the new products and trends and to position oneself optimally for the demands of the times. Six questions for Johannes Möller, Head of Brand Management Light + Building.
1. How do you currently experience the Frankfurt exhibition venue?
Johannes Möller: IFFA recently ended on our grounds. It exceeded all expectations: both exhibitors and visitors were more than satisfied. For six days, the companies benefited from a high quality of visitors. After all, those who were on site made a conscious decision to visit and really had a need to do so. The situation was similar on the industry side: Those who wanted to present their innovation to the market and drive business forward were on site. Because topics cannot wait. The latest developments are simply best discussed and solutions presented in a personal exchange. It inspires me for Light + Building when the exhibition centre is filled with life again and so much positive energy flows through the halls.
2. Times of crisis also open up opportunities: how has Light + Building made use of the time and what changes make the event restart?
Johannes Möller: We have learned a lot in the past months. Of course, digitalisation has also accelerated our business. But many conversations with exhibitors and associations have shown that the core of our business, the personal encounter, endures. We have learned how to complement it in a meaningful way. Now we are looking ahead and doing everything we can to build the best possible bridge in autumn so that we can welcome all market players back to Frankfurt on the usual date in 2024. We support the reunion at the Frankfurt Exhibition Centre from 2 to 6 October 2022 with the Light + Building Digital Extension. The digital platform offers the chance to find the right business partners and get in touch with them in advance. It will be available from 2 to 14 October 2022, thus extending the international exchange and information opportunities even beyond the trade fair period.
3. Light + Building in autumn is held as the Autumn Edition. How does it differ from the leading international trade fair in March?
Johannes Möller: It is a special edition. Due to the pandemic, we had to find an alternative date for the originally planned event in March. After the long break, the industry made it very clear to us that there still has to be an industry meeting place for personal exchange in 2022. This year, the Messe Frankfurt exhibition grounds are in great demand. We have examined all options and were able to realise the shortened date at the beginning of October. For exhibitors from the building sector, this is a very good alternative, while the autumn date is less suited to the innovation cycles of the lighting sector. We are well aware of this. That’s why we are all the more pleased that so many lighting companies – especially from abroad – are coming together for the leading fair and using the date for themselves.
Another factor is the pandemic in China. Even though this is fortunately calming down in Germany and Europe, China is unfortunately still struggling with it. That is why we have to do without the participation of many Asian exhibitors at the moment. In this respect, the compact special edition cannot be compared with the regular Light + Building. But we are currently receiving new enquiries from companies every day who would like to take part in autumn. In this respect, we are very optimistic and are doing everything we can to ensure that it will be a high-quality event for all sides.
4. What will the special edition look like and what can exhibitors and visitors expect?
Johannes Möller: At the moment, we are expecting around 1,300 exhibitors from 46 countries. There are manufacturers from all areas of lighting, home and building technology as well as networked security technology, so that all trades present themselves at the Light + Building Autumn Edition combined trade fair and an overlapping exchange is possible. The Building sector is very strongly positioned in the West area. Particularly against the background of the digitalisation and electrification necessary to achieve climate targets, the importance of this sector is growing. All the key players are here. In the lighting sector, one or two large companies are missing, but foreign companies in particular are taking advantage of the opportunity to present themselves. Thus, lighting is very internationally positioned and still the larger of the two sectors. Over 60 percent of the exhibitors belong to the lighting sector. This shows us how much companies need the exhibition venue to generate coverage for themselves. For them, it’s a great opportunity to position themselves perfectly and generate a whole new level of attention.
5. Does the special edition also differ in terms of hall layout? What will be found where?
Johannes Möller: Due to the bundling of all technical trades, building automation plays an important role. It is represented in Halls 9, 11 and 12. In addition, visitors will find energy-efficient building system solutions, electrical installations, electrical installation and network technology and electrical engineering in these halls. For the first time, Light + Building will also occupy Hall 8 with the Intersec Building section. In this way, we are bundling the range of products and services on the subject of connected security technology, which is becoming increasingly important in homes and buildings and is inextricably linked with building services engineering. Hall 8 forms the transition to the lighting area, as manufacturers of lighting components, light sources and control systems are also represented here. Lighting in all its facets is then the focus in Halls 3, 4 and 6, where the range includes design-oriented luminaires in all styles, technical luminaires, outdoor and street lighting, emergency and safety lighting as well as full product ranges. Our site plan provides a detailed overview:
6. What else will happen between now and October?
Johannes Möller: The planning times have become shorter for everyone involved. We receive final orders for participation in the fair later and later, visitors buy tickets at short notice and exchange vouchers only shortly before the event. Nevertheless, it is already possible to plan your visit today. Our ticket shop is open and can be found at Exhibitors are also starting their appointment management now. We ourselves are acting more flexibly as trade fair organisers today. This allows us to react immediately to changing conditions. At the same time, we are always in close contact with our exhibitors and partners. In addition, the trade associations bundle the exhibitors’ feedback for us in order to make decisions that are in the interest of the industry. This only works if there are good partnerships and, fortunately, Light + Building has these. In this respect, we are well prepared and concentrate on presenting an exciting, well-planned special edition that offers an attractive, informative and inspiring supporting programme so that participation is worthwhile for everyone.
The Light + Building Autumn Edition event will take place from 2 to 6 October 2022. Parallel to this, the Intersec Forum opens from 3 to 6 October 2022. The Light + Building Digital Extension is accessible from 2 to 14 October 2022.