Sabu Krishnan, CEO of ADLT, Discusses Acquisition of Cree Lighting

Sabu Krishnan,
Sabu Krishnan

EdisonReport contributor Shirley Coyle interviewed Sabu Krishnan, CEO of ADLT, who acquired Cree Lighting earlier this week:

Shirley Coyle (SC):  Sabu, with your long history in the commercial lighting market, before and after the transition of LED to dominant source, what in your view are the key elements for success?

Sabu Krishnan: Technology leadership and brand recognition along with price point and product quality are the key elements of success in the commercial lighting world of today. With technology leadership in HID, ADLT and Venture Lighting were and remain dominant in the HID light source market. Cree is one of the strongest brands in the LED market and this brand recognition, backed up with Cree’s expansive independent LED IP portfolio ensures a continuing LED lighting leadership position well into the future. From a sales team perspective, Cree has one of the best group of agents in the United States and this group provides Cree with marketing dominance.

SC:  Tell us about your business philosophy and how the acquisition of Cree Lighting fits within your vision for the ADLT Lighting Group family.

Sabu Krishnan:  Venture lighting is known for its product performance and quality. With our own manufacturing capabilities, we maintained the leadership position in the HID market for years. Venture has always been customer friendly and our care and respect for our agents and end user customers has become part of our culture. Cree lighting, beginning with its origins as Ruud lighting (which was actually part of ADLT for a time) has a very similar philosophy. This common philosophy will enable the combined ADLT/Cree lighting group to expand its market presence faster and to a greater degree than either company could have accomplished independently.

SC:  What is your view on the tension between the value of brands and managing integration opportunities when holding multiple lighting companies?    

Sabu Krishnan:  We believe our brands –“Venture” and “Cree”- will complement each other. Cree will become our  premium brand while Venture product will remain a “value”   brand. Based on this stratified approach,  there will be no conflicts in the market.

SC:  How should existing customers and lighting agents of Cree Lighting think about ADLT’s acquisition of Cree Lighting? 

Sabu Krishnan:  Venture has been a known lighting brand over 30 years and Cree has been the dominant LED lighting brand for over 12 years. With the acquisition of Cree, we are reminding the customers and the agents of our continuing commitment to providing only the highest quality and best value lighting in the world. We are lighting experts, and the Cree acquisition should demonstrate that we intend to “stay in our lane” while others have sought to dilute their primary focus by expanding into non-lighting areas.

For more details on ADLT’s acquisition of Cree Lighting, find EdisonReport’s article and the ADLT’s press release here.