Get to Know Parspec!


AAiLA is pleased to introduce members to one of our newest Partners, Parspec! You may have had to chance to get to know Zach Mix from Parspec in our inaugural episode of The Future of Selling Lights Podcast recently released. If not, be sure to give it a listen. In the meantime, get to know Parspec! 

Parspec is a technology company serving sales agents and distributors in the lighting and electrical industry. Founded by industry veterans and world-class data / AI experts, the company provides a cloud-based software platform for product selection, quoting, submittals and O+M documentation. 

The Parspec platform was launched in 2022 and is used by 100+ independent sales agencies to reduce the time and cost of preparing submittals and O+M packages by 50-80% while improving accuracy and consistency. 

Parspec’s new product selection and quoting solution leverages AI to automatically identify spec-compliant products, provide pricing intelligence and learn customer preferences. It has been released to select customers who have reported the following benefits: 10-15% more jobs bid and 7-10% increase in top line revenue and profitability. 

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Luli Maurino, Parspec’s Strategic Growth Manager at [email protected] or visit