Schneider Electric, according to its website, aims to “create Impact by empowering all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability.” The company profile continues, “Our mission is to be the trusted partner in Sustainability and Efficiency.”
The company has lived up to the mission, as it earned the top spot in Corporate Knights’ 2025 Global most sustainable corporations. Todd Heaps, Corporate Knights co-founder and CEO, explained that the Global 100 methodology “illuminates the ‘say–do’ gap. Only those companies making sustainable solutions a core part of their business offerings and allocating meaningful investments to reduce their carbon footprints make the grade.”
Ray Molony of UK-based Recolight offered additional commentary on the news, noting that “Some of its strong scores were for efforts to decouple its energy consumption and carbon emissions from its business growth, and its strong investment in sustainable research and development.”
He continued, “Being awarded this title in both 2021 and 2025 coincides with the beginning and end of the five-year period of the latest Schneider Sustainability Impact programme.”
Sustainability is now an integral part of the lighting zeitgeist, and concepts like the circular economy continue to gain traction among manufacturers, specifiers, and sales reps alike. It is a topic we have covered extensively in recent issues of designing lighting (dl) magazine (FEB/MAR 2024, APR/MAY 2024, OCT/NOV 2024). And at the upcoming LEDucation 2025, at least 3 in-person speaker sessions will be devoted exclusively to the topic.
Given this push for more sustainable practices, it is nice to see one of the industry’s own recognized for their efforts.
Other notable inclusions in the Top 100 List: Stantec (8), Signify (15), WSP Global (27), and Autodesk (66). Fifteen of the Top 100 companies are U.S.-based; eleven are headquartered in Canada.