How the Lighting Industry Can Help the Children of Ukraine

UPDATE:  23 MAR; 4:08 pm E.S.T.  Amerlux donated $1000.

UPDATE: 23 MAR, 3:26 pm E.S.T.   SATCO just donated $5000.

UPDATE:  23  MAR, 2:39 pm E.S.T. :  Inventronics will match 50 cents on the dollar for the next round of $5000 that is raised. 

UPDATE:  23 MAR, 11:09 E.S.T.: DMF Lighting will match dollar for dollar up to $5000.

Since the beginning of the War in Ukraine, I have ended my daily broadcast with the words, “Go Light up the World and Pray for Peace.”  It seems to have resonated well with our audience as we have received many positive comments. At LEDucation, there was much discussion about the war and a few people, including Michael Danesh, COO, dmf lighting,  asked if EdisonReport would lead the effort for the industry to help raise funds for the families.

This week, we have researched several charities and have chosen to work with UNICEF, as less than 3% of funds go to administrative costs.  The funds you give will go directly to UNICEF and they don’t pass through the EdisonReport.  Our goal is $5000 and EdisonReport will match fifty cents for every dollar raised up to the first $5000.

Donate here:

Why it Matters:  Children are the least responsible for armed conflict in Ukraine, but they suffer most from its consequences. Your 100% tax-deductible donation will help UNICEF ensure that Ukraine’s children have access to safe water, nutrition, health care, education and protection.

Please help and forward this article to as many people in our industry as possible.